
Sleek Wild Lovely

Toooo much freetime in holidays, so i made some pics :)



hi there!
Today I just went shopping with my brother ( my twin brother).
Do you know whats funny? In town we always always always meet a lot of people I or he knows, which is not very funny (actually more awkward) at all. But what those people don't know that we're just siblings.
Well if you see a boy n a girl at the same age on the street you might think they're in a realationship or something like that.
Haha I just enjoy these trips with him! And when we meet mates of him they're just grinning at us when they see us togther, particularly in fact that my bro recently broke up with his girlfriend. (Yeah my bro is a "real" player :D) I always pretend to be his girlfriend then.
lol thats always such a fun!


 new school?!

Heyyy there :)
I've been thinking a lot since i've holidays and seriously too much time to do it it!
So if you know or maybe not I'm kinda into art and stuff like this. That was why I thaught about changing school to go to an art school ust to do what I can't at the school I'm right now.
So I had to do a test nothing really difficult in English and Maths and a test to show that your kinda talented in drawing and designing. Omg I was sooo ill that day! I just felt like... shit! And the whole thing took the whole day! There was not even time to eat something. When I was ready (after ages!!!) I just wanted to go home in my bed! Yeah I was ill for a whole week then... :( But it seemd like it was enough to be accepted.
I was so happy for sure to be accepted but now I've to decide about staying at my current school where all my friends are or to take the chance and just hope that I'm able to do this or that I'm good enough.
Ahhhh! don't know what to do! So actually I wanted to spent the break on finally decide about it but.... Mhhh... I don't want to make this decision!

If you close your eyes does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
and if you close your eyes does it almost feel like you've been here before?


This is fuckin awesome!

Stimmt! Stark wars!!! Auch wenn mir selber ab jetzt noch zwei Jahre blühen sind wir jtz erst mal die Zweitältesten auch wenn es zwar noch nicht wirklich Sinn macht uns zu feiern aber egal!
Tag-X is doch jedes Jahr wieder nen geiles Feeling vor allem wenns endlich mal wieder ein gutes Motto und den Grund zum feiern gibt!
Diesmal war die Schule von der dunkelen Seite der Macht bekehrt worden und Q2 musste uns natürlich von Darth Wilkens und den anderen Clonkriegern von Lehrern befreien! Also wie immer Duelle zwischen Lehrern und Schülern. 
Besonders lustig wirds dann wenn die Schulleiterin im Darth Vader Köstüm mit Maske tanzen muss und die Hot-Sixpack-Boygroup (aus Schülern vom Abijahrgang) ihre Shirts auf der Bühne auszieht und die Mädels zum kreischen bringt! Yesss! *-* So was gabs auch noch nie! hot!
Vor allem weils ja auch der ABI- Jahrgang von meinem Bro is 
Thank you!




Die Doppelte Bedrohung

nach vielen Jahren endlich mal wieder ein richtig gutes ABImotto für den diesjährigen Doppeljahrgang!!! Und morgen... Tag-X!
Mein großer Bruder macht dies Jahr ABI also mal sehn wies wird!
Lookin forward to tomorrow and the two chilled out weeks of holydays! ♥
Oh Yeah!


Hey there!
yeah its been a while till my last post... but well, does that actually interest anybody? (if theres actually anybody reading this ...) guess not :D 
So, wanted to show you what i basically waste my freetime with
btw this are just a few ones and the camera was bad, so yeah..
the last one was a school project with the theme surealism dont have the mark for this yet and the both hands are also made in school the other two drawings took me just about 10min
hope u like them:)